Jun 17 2021
Breaking Into Tech Career: Zero Experience

Breaking Into Tech Career: Zero Experience

Presented by General Assembly at Online/Virtual Space

When someone describes "tech" there is typically an image of a coder in a hoodie in front of a computer screen working at Facebook or Google. But the tech industry encompasses so much more. Multiple industries hire tech talent, and there are varying types of skills that could be used for "tech" jobs. This makes the tech world a very attractive place to work, but thinking about getting a job in tech can seem overwhelming.
Join our panel of experts to shed light on the different roles and industries that fall under the "tech" umbrella. They will discuss the considerations you need to take note of, skills you should learn, ways to narrow your job search, and how to get yourself organized if you are looking for a job in tech.

Admission Info

Email: albrina.mendes@generalassemb.ly

Dates & Times

2021/06/17 - 2021/06/17

Location Info

Online/Virtual Space